BTheEPIC Entertainment™
Brand Assets
Logos, backgrounds, memes, and more assets available to use with credit to BTheEPIC Entertainment™. All assets are property of BTheEPIC Entertainment™, Brayden Hustead, or used with proper licensing or permission. Links

We provide our main brand assets available on the Assets subdomain to download or use for embeds.

S = Static asset, meaning this asset shouldn't ever change. Use these if you need to embed the same asset forever.

C = Changing asset, meaning the asset connected to this link may change if applicable. For example, /current may change to a new or temporary asset if one is currently in use.

We provide our main brand assets available on the Assets subdomain to download or use for embeds.

S = Static asset, meaning this asset shouldn't ever change. Use these if you need to embed the same asset forever.

C = Changing asset, meaning the asset connected to this link may change if applicable. For example, /current may change to a new or temporary asset if one is currently in use.

Other Assets

Alongside our own assets, we also use assets from the following providers:

Icons by Iconpacks

Icons by Iconpacks